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Just Catching Up A Little

I hope everyone had a good weekend! I was going to do a Valentine’s Day post, and just never got around to it.  I also didn’t get around to my stash report yesterday, but it’s unchanged from last week, so no biggie there.  Thanks to everyone who participated in my thread discussion.  I enjoyed reading the comments.  I spent most of Valentine’s Day working on a customer quilt and/or playing with my new IPOD Touch, that my sweetheart gave me for Valentine’s.  My son gave me some candy and an ITunes gift card.  He helped me get it set up, and we went through his song library and transferred what I wanted from his list, and then he taught me how to get my own music.  There are times when it’s really helpful to have a teenager in the house. 🙂

The customer quilt is a rather challenging one for me, as it’s completely outside of my tastes, but perfect for the youngster who will be ending up with it.  Say hello to Spiderman.


My customer wants “light custom” that includes some spiderwebs. Cross your fingers for me that my interpretation of that meets her expectations.

Of course, yesterday was the Daytona 500, so I watched that.  It’s always kind of a let down when those races that you expect to have an exciting finish, end under a red flag due to rain.  Congratulations to Matt Kenseth.  At least it wasn’t Kyle Busch one of the drivers that I can’t stand that won. 🙂

My son made a new discovery this week that tickled us both.  Starburst came out with FaveReds.  A bag of all the yummy “red” flavors, with none of the yucky ones in there.


Hope you have a good week ahead! I need to go spend some quality time with Spiderman.

8 thoughts on “Just Catching Up A Little

  1. Oh, I seriously didn’t need to know about the Starburst……really, I didn’t…….truly I didn’t………….ROFLOL…..okay, maybe I did!!!!! Wonder if my little grocery store here has them yet……the joys of a 3 traffic light town. LOL

    Have a great week Randi!!!!!!


  2. Oh that starburst looks really good!!!!!!! 😀 Can you DS come here and teach me how to use my cell phone camera….. it’s driving me crazy….. I want the pics off and on to my computer…. he could do it in 2 seconds I bet LOL


  3. LOL! I didn’t know Starburst had any yucky flavors? (I never met a Starburst I didn’t like. 😉 😀 )

    Yes, teenagers are great for getting those gadgets to work. My DS sort of regrets showing me some things now. He is NOT pleased I put him up on YouTube. (Teehee! Payback can be so fun. 😀 )


  4. For years I stayed ahead of my daughters in the techy side of life but now more often than not I ask my youngest for help too.
    Randi, I’d find that spiderman abit challenging too, I’m sure you’ll do a great job on it, I can’t wait to see how you finish it.


  5. I agree with you about Nascar. We got to Orlando just in time to watch the race on TV. It would have taken forever to dry the track because it was so humid! Oh, well there are 37? more weeks. And I got lots of knitting done.

    My son had a “tupeymon” quilt too. He loved Superman!!!


  6. Love the quilt and was a bit bummed on Sunday as I had to listen in the car and call my parents for updates. I agree that rain shortened races are never good but thank goodness for no serious injuries.

    I wish there was a pack of just yellow, green and pinks…my hubby and kids take all of my reds. 🙂


  7. Randi,
    My husband bought a nice IPod for me, also, a couple of months ago. I download books on tape onto it and listen to those while longarming. Keeps me at the frame much longer that way! And I now have time to ‘read’ all the books for which I hadn’t time.
    I use audible.com but there are lots of websites out with books to download.


  8. Well now…….how did that happen. I was sure I posted about my superman quilt and how it came to be made.
    I even tried to find where Ihad blogged it and found I had not done so…….hence I wrote it up. And bother me….it seems I did not put it here…….or I pressed a wrong button or something.
    Mine is not professional but met the needs of one sick little boy who is now well.


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